Thursday, July 24, 2008

Russian and Chinese Consumers Want iPhone: Growing Contraband Market for iPhones in Russia and China

Russian and Chinese Consumers Want iPhone: Growing Contraband Market for iPhones in Russia and China

FreeiPhonesWanted: Hot Unlocked iPhones Sell Well in China and Russia: Can't Find Enough to Ship Out

Russian and Chinese consumers can practically buy anything they want. But there is something they can not quite get, Apple's iPhone. In the past, Russians and Chinese relied on friends and American travelers to bring other products in their suitcase. They used to bring blue jeans, rock records and other Western goods that were rare in those countries.

Once Chinese and Russian consumers are able to purchase an iphone, they spend about $100 to have the device unlocked for local use. They prefer the original iphone which does not force them to use services which subsidize the new iphone 3G. While Apple is negotiating with local mobile service providers, black marketers are making huge amount of money. So sites such as freeiPhoneswap is making top money on unsuspecting consumers or owners. Are the owners of the site letting you believe that they are recycling for important parts? Continue to read this rumor report and various others elsewhere.

Do you know why the new iphone, iphone 3G is sop inexpensive? Well, mobile carriers have been able to subsidize it. This way, buying consumers are forced to activate their service. Nothing is free! With a reduced price, more users are able to afford the slick, flashy gadget. The 3G high-speed networks place the new iphone owners into an exclusive club, a special group of consumers in countries where the iphone has not arrived. In the meantime, underground iphone will continue to be found. Has anyone wondered whether Cubans own some iphones? The answer may be positive.

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